Saturday, July 17, 2010

I thought about the love burning in your eyes.

I want to love people better.

I feel like I used to be really good at that. God and I were like *this*. It was as if His heart bled straight through me and I just knew how to love other people with His love. What changed? God hasn't changed, so it's gotta be me. I still love God the best way I know how (usually), but there's a glaring disconnect when I go to love other people. They irritate me, quite frankly. Not everyone and not all the time, but it's frequent enough for me to feel like a complete jerk. I've grown increasingly standoffish... I used to be shy, now I just flat out avoid people. How I got so old and jaded at the ripe age of 22, I've no clue.

My heart's cry is to love people with the same burning love coursing through the veins of my Heavenly Father. His love for people is passionate. Nonsensical. Unquenchable. He knows every ridiculous thing about us, yet He loves. All the time. 24/7. Even when we want to punch that guy in the face, but settle for some verbal abuse instead. Even when we spit on His creation, whether it be our next door neighbor or the one in the mirror. Even when we hate Him. His love is way too big for me to wrap my finite mind around. His mercy is... there's simply not a good enough word to describe it.

I want His love to burn in my heart and through my eyes. His compassion and mercy to be engraved on my tongue. I want to love them better because they bear the image of my God. The image might not be too clear now, but it's there and by loving them more, I see it a little clearer every day.

Lord, forgive me for not loving people the way you've commanded me to. Help me to shut up and listen. Really listen and understand Your heart and, in turn, theirs.

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